The Master ThermoShield Polystyrene Insulation board is produced from high quality raw materials and has a high resistance to water absorption and good mechanical properties. During manufacturing, it undergoes continuous extrusion process in accordance with international specification and standards to ensure the most robust product that meets all BSS, DIN and ASTM specifications. This fully automated manufacturing process imparts a characteristic closed cell structure giving the product its unique physical properties. It has predictable performance and high insulating value and is available with and without shiplap edges in different sizes and thicknesses.

Builders and architects are constantly seeking easier and better installation methods. Using the Extruded Polystyrene board insulation can provide excellent moisture and insulating properties as they are light, versatile, and can easily be installed on various surfaces.
A waterproofing membrane layer is first laid over the roof deck for protection before the installation of Master Thermoshield Extruded Polystyrene Boards. The membrane needs to be snugly fitted into each corner to ensure maximum protection against leakages and moisture. The Master Thermoshield Extruded Polystyrene Boards are then laid on to the roof and cut to fit the exact size and shape through a fairly easy and simple process. Using a waterproof tape, the joints in between the boards are then sealed for best results. The Typar SF (separating layer) is then placed between the gravel layer and the Extruded Polystyrene boards as the final phase of insulation.